Get a Holiday-Ready Smile with Cosmetic Dentistry

Are you excited that you will soon be celebrating the holidays with those you love, but also feeling embarrassed about the idea of showing your smile, which is stained or otherwise plagued by imperfections? If so, have you considered scheduling a consultation with a cosmetic dentist? Cosmetic treatment makes it possible to address a whole host of esthetic imperfections, which can help to improve the smile’s appearance, and can also help boost a person’s confidence. Perhaps best of all, though, many treatments can be completed just in time for the holidays, so you can actually go into this party season celebrating with a smile you will actually feel proud to show off!

Address Deep Staining with Professional Whitening Treatment

If your biggest or only source of concern is staining or discoloration, then the dentist may recommend professional whitening treatment. Many people don’t realize that professional treatment can often help lighten teeth by up to eight shades, which helps to drastically reduce discoloration, and also improves the overall brightness of the smile. This stands in stark contrast to many of the over-the-counter dental care products, which might claim to lighten teeth, but that may fail to create truly noticeable results.

Correct Inconsistencies In Size or Shape

If you are embarrassed by other imperfections, such as disproportionately shaped or sized teeth, or even minor gaps or overlapping of some teeth, then cosmetic bonding or porcelain veneers could likely help improve the appearance of the smile.

Cosmetic bonding is a fast option, and one that is affordable, as well. That said, the composite resin used to create these improvements is not as stain resistant as the dental porcelain used to craft veneers. Therefore, for patients looking for longer-lasting results, the benefits of veneers may outweigh the lower cost of bonding.

Allen & Neumann

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