Categories: Cosmetic Dentist

Invisalign® Provides A Clear Path To Even Smiles

When you have crooked, crowded, and overlapping teeth, this could mean serious trouble for your oral health. Our team wants to help you correct your uneven smile and enjoy a smile that is healthier and better looking too. In today’s blog, your Pella, IA, dentist talks about how we address misalignment with clear and comfortable Invisalign® aligners, so you can smile with confidence.

The Risks of Dental Misalignment

When you have uneven teeth, this could make it difficult to remove food and drink particles when you brush and floss, which in turn means an increased risk of tooth decay and gum disease. The poor alignment could also upset your bite balance, which means a greater risk of TMJ disorder and bruxism (teeth grinding). Finally, you may feel uncomfortable with your appearance, which impacts social interactions and your quality of life. But our team can offer Invisalign® aligners to correct your smile and provide even results and improved oral health.

The Process of Creating Custom Orthodontics

How do we create our custom plastic aligners? Instead of metal braces, our team will correct your misalignment with our clear aligners, each one custom-made for your smile. To begin, we will take detailed digital images of your smile from multiple angles, using a special wand to capture them quickly and comfortably. Next, we will combine these to create a 3D computer impression, one that allows experts in a lab setting to design and craft your custom orthodontics from a BPA-free and clear material.

Correcting Uneven Smiles

Once your aligner set is ready, you can start your journey to an even smile. Each set is worn for a two-week period, typically 20 to 22 hours each day. You then begin wearing the next set in the series and repeat the process as your smile is gradually and gently corrected, repositioning your teeth to offer even results. The aligners themselves are comfortable and easy to wear and clean. The process also means you can take them out before meals or prior to brushing and flossing, so eating and caring for your smile is much simpler. There are also fewer office visits on average, and optimal results could be possible in as little as one year.

If you have any questions about how we treat your misalignment with our clear and custom plastic aligners, or if you want to start the process now, then contact our team today to learn more.


We want to offer a treatment option for misalignment that is clear and comfortable. Call Allen & Neumann Family Dentistry in Pella, IA at (641)628-1121. to schedule your appointment. With clear and comfortable cosmetic orthodontics, we can offer optimal smiles for our patients!


Allen & Neumann

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