Is It Time to Update My Denture?

Have you had your current set of dentures for several years? Recently, have you noticed your denture seems less comfortable? Are you having problems chewing comfortably because of your prostheses? Many people don’t realize that dentures actually should be replaced every five to ten years. That is because as you age, your jaw can begin to shrink, causing once great-fitting dentures to become uncomfortable. So if you have noticed negative changes to your smile’s comfort or function, or have simply had your dentures for several years without seeing a dentist, the start of a new year is a great time to talk to your dentist about whether it might be time to update your denture.

Are You Unhappy with Your Existing Prostheses?

The jaw retains its structure by receiving nutrients from healthy tooth roots. As a person loses teeth, and the healthy tooth roots that once held them in place, the jaw can begin to shrink, causing changes to the person’s overall facial structure, but also the smile, in general.
This is why many patients find that after several years their once great-fitting dentures become uncomfortable. Fortunately, modern dental prostheses provide a number of ways to address tooth loss, including but not limited to partial or full sets of dentures.

Would You Like a More Stable Restoration?

For patients hoping to find added stability, the dentist might recommend either a dental bridge or a dental implant. Both prostheses help to complete the smile, both functionally and cosmetically, as well.
Bridges utilize crowns to hold a replacement tooth in place, while dental implants provide even more stability because they utilize a biocompatible piece to mimic a healthy tooth root.

Allen & Neumann

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