Categories: Cosmetic Dentist

When Porcelain Veneers Enhance Your Smile

It goes without saying that there is much more that goes into taking care of your smile than you might have previously believed. For instance, only a well-rounded preventive routine can help pave the path for a lifelong grin, and this extends further than just brushing daily. Indeed, your oral health faces countless threats daily, and these can range from impacting your oral function, structural integrity, and even your appearance. In today’s blog, your Pella, IA dentist discusses the importance of addressing surface-level concerns, and how porcelain veneers offer versatility when dealing with different discrepancies.

Handling Multiple Blemishes

From the foods you eat to the level and quality of preventive care you provide your smile, there are multiple opportunities for outside factors to wreak havoc. Of the most common, dental decay affects millions of people every year in some shape or form. Just because it is so common, however, does not mean it is the only factor to worry about.

Indeed, physical accidents and injuries can occur at any given time to any person, meaning nobody is excluded from these events. In the most extreme cases, a patient might need to seek immediate care at the emergency room. For others, taking strides to come in for a same-day dental emergency appointment might be the route to go.

Even still, there are situations in which an injury will not affect your health or function, but simply create a surface-level chip or crack instead. While this process might not warrant emergency care, it does not mean your situation should not go untreated either. To learn more about this process, reach out to a member of our team today.

A Quick and Simple Process

Cosmetic dentistry is the process of addressing surface-level concerns in your smile in a relatively non-invasive manner. While whitening can address stains and bonding and contouring may be best suited for addressing chips and cracks, it is porcelain veneers that offer the most in terms of versatility.

Porcelain veneers are ultra-thin shells of dental porcelain that are hand-crafted and designed to be placed over the front of your teeth. The material used offers a lifelike resemblance to that of natural teeth, and their nature allows them to address a variety of different blemishes in your grin.

Perfecting Your Smile

When your smile is riddled with different chips, cracks, stains, and even gaps in-between teeth, porcelain veneers can help. The process consists of securing the shells to your teeth with the help of dental cement, and often only require a minimal amount of enamel sculpting to fit.

Learn More Today

Contact Allen & Neumann Family Dentistry in Pella, IA by calling 641-628-1121 to learn more about the way dental veneers can address a variety of discrepancies, and schedule your next visit with our team today.

Allen & Neumann

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