You might not make the connection between dental cleanings and fresh breath, which is why we would like to make sure you realize these are indeed connected. You see, you’re absolutely doing a splendid job if you’re brushing and flossing every day with removing odor-causing bacteria. However, you’re not getting 100 percent of them to go away. What you can’t address, we get rid of on your behalf when we perform preventive cleanings. So, instead of “okay” breath or “bad breath,” you enjoy excellent breath if you combine your home care with professional care, too.
Are you quite aware of how cavities form? If not, let’s give you a quick reminder: Bacteria, which live in your mouth and fill up plaque and tartar, love to eat the sugars and carbohydrates that you eat (some particles get left in your mouth). Just like you digest foods, so do they! However, when they digest them, they secrete acids as waste product, which end up on your teeth. This leads to problems like decay. Keep those bacteria in limited quantities when you brush, floss, and you’re serious about dental cleanings, and you limit decay.
Those acids that end up on your teeth from bacterial populations: They end up on your gums, too, especially as plaque and tartar hide out and accumulate beneath your gumline. So, remember, to side step gum disease, keep your smile clean with brushing, flossing, and dental cleanings!
Avoid the development of concerns like cavities and gum disease when you keep up with your dental cleanings with our practice. To learn more, schedule an appointment with your dentist by calling Allen & Neumann Family Dentistry in Pella, IA, today at (641) 628-1121.
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