Month: May 2020

A Brief Look at Why Having Gum Disease Is Serious

When it’s allowed to become severe, gum disease can be the most serious thing to impact your smile and oral health. In fact, severe gum disease is the most common cause of adult tooth loss, despite the fact that it’s also one of the most preventable oral health concerns. One of the reasons why gum… Read more »

What Could Raise Your Risks of Tooth Loss?

For people who haven’t experienced tooth loss, the threat of it may seem more serious to some than to others. That’s because some consider tooth loss an inevitable concern they’ll have to deal with, while others may believe that it could never happen to them. The truth is that losing one or more of your… Read more »

How Do Dental Implants Replace Missing Teeth?

For many of the most serious tooth concerns, such as tooth damage or decay, there’s often an ideal restorative treatment that can help you save the healthy, natural, undamaged tooth structure. For instance, a custom-designed dental crown may be able to restore the damaged tooth and its ability to function, while also saving it from… Read more »

How Do Dental Crowns Prevent Tooth Loss?

Dental crowns aren’t the most common type of tooth restoration, but they’re recommended more frequently than many others. That’s largely due to their ability to address a wide range of tooth concerns, and these days, modern crowns can be designed to closely mimic any healthy, natural, and unique tooth structure. However, besides their versatility and… Read more »

The Role of Root Canal Treatment in Saving Your Tooth

There are many different types of conditions that could potentially threaten your oral health, but tooth decay is the most common one. As the cause behind cavity development, tooth decay can progress through several stages, eventually becoming a severe threat to your oral health if not treated effectively. The role of root canal treatment is… Read more »