Targeting Oral Health Habits: Cold And Flu Season

Did you know that avoiding the common cold and the flu this year is often something that your oral health habits can impact? It’s true! Of course, you hear that you shouldn’t share food with others, you should be careful when you touch door handles and more by washing your hands and keeping your fingers out of your mouth, and that you should stay warm, eat healthy, and drink lots of water! So, what does your smile have to do with it, you wonder? Our Pella, IA team is happy to fill you in on the (very simple yet effective) particulars!

Make Sure Your Hands Are Clean (Before And After)

Our team knows you already understand the importance of keeping your hands clean but you may not think about this when it comes to your oral health care at home. Here’s your reminder: Wash with soap and water before flossing, brushing, etc. Do it again when you’re through. It will offer extremely helpful protection against ingesting or spreading germs!

Be Sure To Use Your Own Hygiene Products

Your preventive care at home includes what? If you answered brushing and flossing your teeth, then you are correct! What you also likely know is that it’s never a good idea to share a toothbrush. “But what about toothpaste?” you may ask. During the “healthier” times of the year, sharing a tube of toothpaste with your loved one or family may not present much of a hazard. However, when your oral health care includes any potential transfer of germs, it can mean you end up with the cold or flu! So, we encourage you to use your own toothpaste, floss, and brush until we are out of this season altogether!

Keep Your Space Ultra Clean!

While using the same hand cloth that others are using or ignoring the state of your sink and countertop may not significantly influence your oral health, it can certainly lead to problems for your overall health. Don’t forget that wiping down countertops and using your own cloth to wipe your hands and mouth can most certainly limit the transfer of germs from one carrier or infected individual to those who are still perfectly healthy! Keep your bathroom ultra clean during this season, so you can avoid coming down with the cold or flu!

Avoid Viruses With Thoughtful Dental Hygiene

Get the care suggestions you need in order to maintain a healthy smile and healthy body this cold and flu season! To learn more, schedule an appointment with your dentist by calling Allen & Neumann Family Dentistry in Pella, IA, today at (641) 628-1121.

Allen & Neumann

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Allen & Neumann

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