We know that you are spending enough time each day to focus on your oral health. That means brushing twice each day for the recommended period, and it also means that you are not skipping your flossing. But even with a dedication to your routine oral health maintenance, you still need to see the dentist from time to time for a cleaning and an examination. A semiannual dental checkup is your opportunity to keep the focus on your oral health, and they are important to your smile success.
With our local dental office in Pella, IA, you can make sure that you have what you need to maintain your smile with consistency. Most people require dental checkups every six months, and some could benefit from a more frequent schedule of appointments, so if you have not seen your oral health team yet in 2024, it is time to call the office. To find out more about our dedication to positive preventive dentistry or to schedule your next visit, speak with our front office today!
When dentists develop a treatment plan for their patients, it is because they know that it is about how long they can safely go without professional care. This means that if you have been skipping your semiannual dental checkups, then you could be putting your smile at risk of common oral health conditions like tooth decay and periodontal disease.
At your appointment, you will receive a thorough cleaning of the surface of your teeth, and also along your gumline, helping you remove plaque and tartar buildup. This is key part of your regular dental appointments, and it helps you to experience a fresher feeling and a safer smile. Take advantage of this chance to keep your smile maintenance up through consistent preventive dental care.
If you have a hard time remembering all of the things that you would like to ask your dentist, it can be helpful to write them down for a few days before your appointment. Your dental team is here to help you to know how to handle your oral health, and it will be a while until your next checkup, so use this chance to learn about your needs.
Your smile journal does not have to be much, just jotting down notes on a piece of paper can be enough to help you remember. Or text yourself every time you think of something you would like to discuss!
If it has been more than six months since your last visit with the dentist, talk to our team about making your next appointment. To learn more about the advantages of a semiannual dental checkup, call Allen & Neumann Family Dentistry in Pella, IA at (641)628-1121!
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