When Was Your Last Dental Checkup?

You might already know that it is recommended to see your dentist twice a year. These appointments include a cleaning and examination that help keep your smile clean and healthy. If it’s been six months or longer since your last visit, it’s time to schedule your next cleaning. The team at Allen and Neumann Family Dentistry in Pella, IA, is here today to talk about why these appointments are essential for your oral health.

Cleanings And Checkups Detect Problems Early

Your biannual appointment will include a professional cleaning and a thorough examination. The hygienist will carefully remove plaque buildup from your teeth and gums using special tools. This helpful step can prevent cavities from forming on your pearly whites. During your examination, your dentist will thoroughly look at your teeth and gums for signs of cavities, gingivitis, and more. They may take X-rays to add to your oral health records and get a closer look at your smile. This information gathered during your cleaning and examination is used to update your treatment plan. If no concerns have been found during your examination, you can come back for your next checkup in six months. If your dentist finds an issue like a cavity or gum disease, they may recommend restorative treatments or deep cleanings to renew your oral health.

Sedation Dentistry Helps You Feel Relaxed

Dental anxiety can make even routine checkups difficult for a patient. This form of anxiety may be caused by poor past experiences, fear of embarrassment, or other reasons. You may be stressed about your treatment, fear of embarrassment, or simply being in an unfamiliar environment. Our team will do their best to help you feel as comfortable as possible during your visit. In some cases, beginning dentist visits at an early age can help prevent these feelings of anxieties. You can bring your little ones in for checkups around the age of one to help them familiarize themselves with the office. You can also bring your kids along with you to your own checkup so they can understand what happens during a cleaning and examination. We also offer sedation that can help keep you calm during your appointment.

Restorations Can Help Treat Cavities And More

Cavities are a common oral health problem that patients face. These can often be treated with a dental filling, which involves removing the decayed area of your tooth and adding a strong material to the space. Your dentist can help with other concerns as well, including worn, chipped, and missing teeth.

Schedule An Appointment With Our Team!

Don’t forget to schedule your next dentist appointment before the end of the year. You can call Allen and Neumann Family Dentistry in Pella, IA, today at 641.628.1121.