Category: Gum Disease

Could You Have Gum Disease?

Have you noticed your gums bleeding when you floss? Do you think this is because of the flossing, and that the best way to stop the bleeding is to quit flossing altogether? Do parts of your gums look discolored? Does your breath stink even after brushing? If you’ve noticed dark red, bleeding or inflamed gums,… Read more »

Why is Gum Health Important?

Consider the gums. They’re not particularly sexy and most of us take them for granted without ever considering their usefulness. Made up of three distinct parts — the periodontal ligament and the aveolar process, which anchor the teeth within the jaw, and the gingiva, the pink (or sometimes brown) tissue that we think of as… Read more »

Smoking and Oral Health: The Facts

Even though bad breath and yellow teeth are two problems that affect the smiles of nearly all smokers, these may be the least of their problems. Whether you smoke cigarettes, cigars, or a pipe or you chew tobacco, regularly using these products can set the stage for very poor oral health as you age. From… Read more »

How Common is Gum Disease?

Gum disease is a serious dental condition that can result in more than just swollen, tender gums. As it advances, gum diseases puts you at risk for receding gums, teeth loss, and worst of all, bone loss. How common is gum disease? Here is the staggering statistic: 80% of American adults have gum disease. This… Read more »

5 Reasons to Visit the Dentist Twice a Year

As long as you brush your teeth twice a day and remember to floss, you may think there’s no reason to visit the dentist. Wrong! Just because you’re keeping up with your at-home dental hygiene routine and not experiencing a toothache doesn’t mean you should be skipping your twice-yearly dental check-ups and cleanings. Appointments with… Read more »

Avoid These 10 Foods to Prevent Tooth Decay

We all know that a healthy diet contributes greatly to our internal health and physical fitness, but did you consider how your diet impacts your dental health too? Tooth decay and gum disease are the most common diseases amongst adults, and your overall well-being is compromised when disease develops (and worsens) in your mouth. Fortunately,… Read more »