Category: Restorative Dentistry

Could You Feel More Confident with a Dental Prostheses?

Do you ever sit down to enjoy a meal, only to experience dread, instead? You may feel embarrassed by your incomplete smile, or uncertain whether your denture is going to shift uncomfortably as you chew. When you have lost a tooth, much less several, it can be hard to look forward to dinner with friends,… Read more »

What Is Air Abrasion and Could It Help Your Smile?

Have you ever wondered if there is a better or at least less invasive way to clean the smile, than with the drill often used in dental cleanings? Does dental anxiety make it difficult for you to see the dentist, even for routine checkups and cleanings, much less restorative treatment? If so, have you heard… Read more »

Is It Time for a Smile Update? Consider a Modern Dental Prostheses

Are you tired of looking in the mirror and seeing ill-fitting or obvious dental work, that is neither attractive when smiling or comfortable during meals? Do you wish you could enjoy increased confidence, and comfort, when it comes to your smile? If so, have you considered how a modern dental prostheses could update your smile… Read more »

Can Your Smile Be Cleaned without a Drill?

Are you worried about seeing the dentist, because you know that your teeth are in need of a deep dental cleaning? Many people postpone preventive care, like cleanings, for fear of the “drill.” Fortunately, modern preventive dentistry has made it possible to properly clean teeth, often without the need for invasive measures like a dental… Read more »

Are You Suffering from a Dental Emergency?

Has it been weeks since you were able to enjoy a sip of coffee without wincing in pain, or snacking on your favorite sweets without suffering discomfort? If you are experiencing severe pain, it could be due to an infection, like an abscessed teeth. Were you involved in an accident recently, and your smile was… Read more »

Would a Dental Implant Improve Your Smile?

Losing a tooth as an adult can be a frightening thing. It can also lead to a great deal of insecurity. For instance, will you ever be able to enjoy biting into a perfectly crisp apple again? Will you ever want to smile again? Fortunately, missing teeth don’t have to mean missing out on the… Read more »